Source code for pynta.transitionstate

from molecule.molecule import Molecule
from molecule.molecule.pathfinder import find_shortest_path
import yaml
from import read, write
import numpy as np
from import covalent_radii
from acat.adsorption_sites import SlabAdsorptionSites
from acat.adsorbate_coverage import SlabAdsorbateCoverage
from acat.settings import adsorbate_molecule
from acat.utilities import (custom_warning,
import os
from pynta.utils import get_unique_sym, get_unique_sym_structs
from ase.visualize import view
from ase.atoms import Atoms, Atom
from ase.geometry import get_distances
import itertools
from pynta.calculator import HarmonicallyForcedXTB
from pynta.mol import *
from copy import deepcopy

[docs]def get_unique_optimized_adsorbates(rxn,adsorbates_path,mol_dict,cas,gratom_to_molecule_surface_atom_maps,nslab): """ load the adsorbates associated with the reaction and find the unique optimized adsorbate structures for each species returns a dictionary mapping each adsorbate name to a list of ase.Atoms objects """ adsorbates = dict() for name in rxn["reactant_names"]+rxn["product_names"]: prefixes = os.listdir(os.path.join(adsorbates_path,name)) ase_to_mol_surface_atom_map = gratom_to_molecule_surface_atom_maps[name] geoms = [] for prefix in prefixes: path = os.path.join(adsorbates_path,name,prefix,prefix+".xyz") if os.path.exists(path): geoms.append(path) xyzs = get_unique_sym(geoms) adsorbates[name] = [] for xyz in xyzs: geo = read(xyz) adcov = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(geo,adsorption_sites=cas) sites = adcov.get_sites() occ = [site for site in sites if site["occupied"]] required_surface_inds = set([ind+nslab for ind in ase_to_mol_surface_atom_map.keys()]) found_surface_inds = set([site["bonding_index"] for site in occ]) if len(occ) >= len(mol_dict[name].get_adatoms()) and required_surface_inds.issubset(found_surface_inds): adsorbates[name].append(geo) return adsorbates
[docs]def determine_TS_construction(reactant_names,reactant_mols,product_names,product_mols): """ determine the direction to generate the TS guess in and the order in which the reactants will be placed on the surface returns forward a boolean indicating if the reaction should be estimated in the forward (True) or reverse (False) direction and ordered_reacting_species which is a list of species in the order they should be placed on the surface """ forward = None rnum_surf_sites = [len(mol.get_surface_sites()) for i,mol in enumerate(reactant_mols)] pnum_surf_sites = [len(mol.get_surface_sites()) for i,mol in enumerate(product_mols)] rnummultidentate = len([i for i in rnum_surf_sites if i>1]) pnummultidentate = len([i for i in pnum_surf_sites if i>1]) rnumgas = len([i for i in rnum_surf_sites if i==0]) pnumgas = len([i for i in pnum_surf_sites if i==0]) #avoid directions starting with multiple multidentate species if rnummultidentate >= 2 and pnummultidentate >= 2: raise ValueError("Cannot handle multiple bidentates on both sides of reaction") elif rnummultidentate >= 2: forward = False elif pnummultidentate >= 2: forward = True #prefer directions with multidentate species, this reduces the time and cost of finding TS guesses if forward is None: if rnummultidentate == 1 and pnummultidentate == 0: forward = True elif pnummultidentate == 1 and rnummultidentate == 0: forward = False #prefer directions with fewer gas phase species if forward is None: if rnumgas > pnumgas: forward = False elif pnumgas > rnumgas: forward = True #prefer directions with fewer species if forward is None: if len(reactant_mols) > len(product_mols): forward = False elif len(reactant_mols) < len(product_mols): forward = True if forward is None: forward = True ordered_reacting_species = [] if forward: inds_to_order = list(range(len(reactant_names))) while len(ordered_reacting_species) < len(reactant_names): bidentateinds = [ind for ind in inds_to_order if rnum_surf_sites[ind] > 1] if len(bidentateinds) > 0: indout = bidentateinds[0] #should only be one if any ordered_reacting_species.append(reactant_names[indout]) inds_to_order.remove(indout) continue monodentateinds = [ind for ind in inds_to_order if rnum_surf_sites[ind] == 1] if len(monodentateinds) > 0: #biggest monodentate first sorted_inds = sorted(monodentateinds,key=lambda ind: len(reactant_mols[ind].atoms)) indout = sorted_inds[-1] ordered_reacting_species.append(reactant_names[indout]) inds_to_order.remove(indout) continue #gas phase biggest first sorted_inds = sorted(inds_to_order,key=lambda ind: len(reactant_mols[ind].atoms)) indout = sorted_inds[-1] ordered_reacting_species.append(reactant_names[indout]) inds_to_order.remove(indout) continue else: inds_to_order = list(range(len(product_names))) while len(ordered_reacting_species) < len(product_names): bidentateinds = [ind for ind in inds_to_order if pnum_surf_sites[ind] > 1] if len(bidentateinds) > 0: indout = bidentateinds[0] #should only be one if any ordered_reacting_species.append(product_names[indout]) inds_to_order.remove(indout) continue monodentateinds = [ind for ind in inds_to_order if pnum_surf_sites[ind] == 1] if len(monodentateinds) > 0: #biggest monodentate first sorted_inds = sorted(monodentateinds,key=lambda ind: len(product_mols[ind].atoms)) indout = sorted_inds[-1] ordered_reacting_species.append(product_names[indout]) inds_to_order.remove(indout) continue #gas phase biggest first sorted_inds = sorted(inds_to_order,key=lambda ind: len(product_mols[ind].atoms)) indout = sorted_inds[-1] ordered_reacting_species.append(product_names[indout]) inds_to_order.remove(indout) continue return forward,ordered_reacting_species
[docs]def get_unique_TS_structs(adsorbates,species_names,cas,nslab,num_surf_sites,mol_dict, gratom_to_molecule_atom_maps,gratom_to_molecule_surface_atom_maps, facet,metal,gas_height=5.0): """ Generate unique initial structures for TS guess generation """ tsstructs = [] ordered_adsorbates = [adsorbates[name] for name in species_names] for adss in itertools.product(*ordered_adsorbates): adslab = adss[0] if len(adss) == 1: tsstructs.append(adslab) else: if num_surf_sites[1] == 1: name = species_names[1] ad = adss[1][nslab:] bondlengths1,sites1,site_lengths1 = get_bond_lengths_sites(mol_dict[name],adss[1],gratom_to_molecule_atom_maps[name], gratom_to_molecule_surface_atom_maps[name],nslab, facet=facet,metal=metal,cas=cas) sitetype1 = list(sites1.values())[0] height1 = list(site_lengths1.values())[0] surf_ind1 = list(gratom_to_molecule_surface_atom_maps[name].keys())[0] adcov = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(adslab,adsorption_sites=cas) for site in adcov.get_sites(): adslab2 = adslab.copy() if site['occupied'] == False and site["site"] == sitetype1: add_adsorbate_to_site(adslab2,adsorbate=ad,surf_ind=surf_ind1,site=site,height=height1) if len(adss) == 2: tsstructs.append(adslab2) else: if num_surf_sites[2] == 1: name2 = species_names[2] ad2 = adss[2][nslab:] bondlengths2,sites2,site_lengths2 = get_bond_lengths_sites(mol_dict[name2],adss[2],gratom_to_molecule_atom_maps[name2], gratom_to_molecule_surface_atom_maps[name2],nslab, facet=facet,metal=metal,cas=cas) sitetype2 = list(sites2.values())[0] height2 = list(site_lengths2.values())[0] surf_ind2 = list(gratom_to_molecule_surface_atom_maps[name2].keys())[0] adcov2 = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(adslab2,adsorption_sites=cas) for site2 in adcov2.get_sites(): adslab3 = adslab2.copy() if site2['occupied'] == False and site2["site"] == sitetype2: add_adsorbate_to_site(adslab3,adsorbate=ad2,surf_ind=surf_ind2,site=site2,height=height2) if len(adss) == 3: tsstructs.append(adslab3) else: raise ValueError("Cannot handle more than three reactants") else: adcovl2 = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(adslab2,adsorption_sites=cas) sites = adcovl2.get_sites() c = 0 site = sites[c] while site["occupied"] == True: c += 1 site = sites[c] add_adsorbate_to_site(adslab,adsorbate=adss[2],site=site,height=gas_height) elif num_surf_sites[1] == 0: adcovl1 = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(adslab,adsorption_sites=cas) sites = adcovl1.get_sites() c = 0 site = sites[c] while site["occupied"] == True: c += 1 site = sites[c] add_adsorbate_to_site(adslab,adsorbate=adss[1],site=site,height=gas_height) if len(adss) == 2: tsstructs.append(adslab) else: c = 0 site2 = sites[c] while site2["occupied"] == True and site2 != site: c += 1 site2 = sites[c] add_adsorbate_to_site(adslab,adsorbate=adss[2],site=site) if len(adss) == 3: tsstructs.append(adslab) else: raise ValueError("Cannot handle more than three reactants") unique_tsstructs = get_unique_sym_structs(tsstructs) return unique_tsstructs
[docs]def generate_constraints_harmonic_parameters(tsstructs,adsorbates,slab,forward_template, reverse_template,template_name,template_reversed, ordered_names,reverse_names,mol_dict,gratom_to_molecule_atom_maps, gratom_to_molecule_surface_atom_maps,nslab,facet,metal,cas): """ Generate constraints and harmonic parameters for the harmonically forced optimization """ constraint_lists = [] atom_bond_potential_lists = [] site_bond_potential_lists = [] site_bond_dict_list = [] out_structs = [] mols = [mol_dict[name] for name in ordered_names] rev_mols = [mol_dict[name] for name in reverse_names] ads_sizes = [ads_size(mol) for mol in mols] mols_rev = [mol_dict[name] for name in reverse_names] template_mol_map = get_template_mol_map(forward_template,mols) reverse_template_mol_map = get_template_mol_map(reverse_template,rev_mols) molecule_to_gratom_maps = [{value:key for key,value in gratom_to_molecule_atom_maps[name].items()} for name in ordered_names] broken_bonds,formed_bonds = get_broken_formed_bonds(forward_template,reverse_template) mols_info = [] for name in ordered_names: bdlength_list = [] sites_list = [] site_lengths_list = [] for ads in adsorbates[name]: bondlengths,sites,site_lengths = get_bond_lengths_sites(mol_dict[name],ads, gratom_to_molecule_atom_maps[name], gratom_to_molecule_surface_atom_maps[name], nslab,facet=facet,metal=metal,cas=cas) bdlength_list.append(bondlengths) sites_list.append(sites) site_lengths_list.append(site_lengths) ave_bdlength = sum(bdlength_list)/len(bdlength_list) site_dict = dict() for i,sites in enumerate(sites_list): for key,site in sites.items(): if (key,site) in site_dict.keys(): site_dict[(key,site)].append(site_lengths_list[i][key]) else: site_dict[(key,site)] = [site_lengths_list[i][key]] site_dict = {key: np.mean(value) for key,value in site_dict.items()} mols_info.append({"bondlengths":ave_bdlength,"site_dict":site_dict}) rev_mols_info = [] for name in reverse_names: bdlength_list = [] sites_list = [] site_lengths_list = [] for ads in adsorbates[name]: bondlengths,sites,site_lengths = get_bond_lengths_sites(mol_dict[name],ads, gratom_to_molecule_atom_maps[name], gratom_to_molecule_surface_atom_maps[name], nslab,facet=facet,metal=metal,cas=cas) bdlength_list.append(bondlengths) sites_list.append(sites) site_lengths_list.append(site_lengths) ave_bdlength = sum(bdlength_list)/len(bdlength_list) site_dict = dict() for i,sites in enumerate(sites_list): for key,site in sites.items(): if (key,site) in site_dict.keys(): site_dict[(key,site)].append(site_lengths_list[i][key]) else: site_dict[(key,site)] = [site_lengths_list[i][key]] site_dict = {key: np.mean(value) for key,value in site_dict.items()} rev_mols_info.append({"bondlengths":ave_bdlength,"site_dict":site_dict}) for tsstruct in tsstructs: tsstruct_valid = True atom_bond_potentials = [] site_bond_potentials = [] fixed_bond_pairs = [] site_bond_dict = dict() adcov = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(tsstruct,adsorption_sites=cas) sites = adcov.get_sites() occ = [site for site in sites if site["occupied"]] if len(occ) < len(forward_template.get_adatoms()): #if we don't identify as many occupied sites as we should skip this structure print("occupied not equal to forward_template") print("occ={0}".format(len(occ))) print("forward_template_occs={0}".format(len(forward_template.get_adatoms()))) continue occ_atom_inds = [site["bonding_index"] for site in occ] occ_bd_lengths = {site["bonding_index"]:site['bond_length'] for site in occ} occ_site_types = {site["bonding_index"]:site['site'] for site in occ} occ_site_pos = {site["bonding_index"]:site['position'] for site in occ} unocc = [site for site in sites if not site["occupied"]] for edge in forward_template.get_all_edges(): ind1 = forward_template.atoms.index(edge.atom1) ind2 = forward_template.atoms.index(edge.atom2) label1 = edge.atom1.label label2 = edge.atom2.label ase_ind1 = get_ase_index(ind1,template_mol_map,molecule_to_gratom_maps,nslab,ads_sizes) ase_ind2 = get_ase_index(ind2,template_mol_map,molecule_to_gratom_maps,nslab,ads_sizes) if ((ase_ind1 is None) and (ase_ind2 is None)): print(ind1) print(ind2) print(nslab) print(ads_sizes) raise ValueError labels = set([label1,label2]) if labels in broken_bonds: #bonds that break if ase_ind1 and ase_ind2: dwell = tsstruct.get_distance(ase_ind1,ase_ind2,mic=True) sitetype = None pos = None elif ase_ind1 is None: assert edge.atom1.is_surface_site() if ase_ind2 not in occ_bd_lengths.keys(): print("acat occupational detection has failed for a TS guess structure...may be skipping important TS guesses") tsstruct_valid = False break dwell = occ_bd_lengths[ase_ind2] sitetype = occ_site_types[ase_ind2] pos = deepcopy(occ_site_pos[ase_ind2]) pos[2] += dwell ind = ase_ind2 else: assert edge.atom2.is_surface_site() if ase_ind1 not in occ_bd_lengths.keys(): print("acat occupational detection has failed for a TS guess structure...may be skipping important TS guesses") tsstruct_valid = False break dwell = occ_bd_lengths[ase_ind1] sitetype = occ_site_types[ase_ind1] pos = deepcopy(occ_site_pos[ase_ind1]) pos[2] += dwell ind = ase_ind1 deq,k = estimate_deq_k(labels,dwell,forward_template,reverse_template,template_name,template_reversed,broken_bonds,formed_bonds,sitetype=sitetype) if pos is not None: d = {"ind":ind,"site_pos":pos.tolist(),"k":k,"deq":deq} site_bond_potentials.append(d) else: d = {"ind1":ase_ind1,"ind2":ase_ind2,"k":k,"deq":deq} atom_bond_potentials.append(d) else: #bond that doesn't break if ase_ind1 and ase_ind2: fixed_bond_pairs.append([ase_ind1,ase_ind2]) elif ase_ind1 is None: #surface bonds that don't break dwell = occ_bd_lengths[ase_ind2] sitetype = occ_site_types[ase_ind2] pos = deepcopy(occ_site_pos[ase_ind2]) pos[2] += dwell #shift position up to atom position ind = ase_ind2 deq,k = estimate_deq_k_fixed_surf_bond(labels,dwell,forward_template,reverse_template,template_name,template_reversed,broken_bonds,formed_bonds,sitetype=sitetype) d = {"ind":ind,"site_pos":pos.tolist(),"k":k,"deq":deq} site_bond_potentials.append(d) else: dwell = occ_bd_lengths[ase_ind1] sitetype = occ_site_types[ase_ind1] pos = deepcopy(occ_site_pos[ase_ind1]) pos[2] += dwell #shift position up to atom position ind = ase_ind1 deq,k = estimate_deq_k_fixed_surf_bond(labels,dwell,forward_template,reverse_template,template_name,template_reversed,broken_bonds,formed_bonds,sitetype=sitetype) d = {"ind":ind,"site_pos":pos.tolist(),"k":k,"deq":deq} site_bond_potentials.append(d) for labels in formed_bonds: #bonds that form atmsf = [] for label in labels: atmsf.extend(forward_template.get_labeled_atoms(label)) indsf = [forward_template.atoms.index(atm) for atm in atmsf] ind1f = indsf[0] ind2f = indsf[1] ase_ind1 = get_ase_index(ind1f,template_mol_map,molecule_to_gratom_maps,nslab,ads_sizes) ase_ind2 = get_ase_index(ind2f,template_mol_map,molecule_to_gratom_maps,nslab,ads_sizes) atmsr = [] for label in labels: atmsr.extend(reverse_template.get_labeled_atoms(label)) indsr = [reverse_template.atoms.index(atm) for atm in atmsr] ind1r = indsr[0] ind2r = indsr[1] ind1_mol_r,ind1r_mol = get_mol_index(ind1r,reverse_template_mol_map) ind2_mol_r,ind2r_mol = get_mol_index(ind2r,reverse_template_mol_map) assert ind1_mol_r == ind2_mol_r if ase_ind1 and ase_ind2: #bond between atoms dwell = rev_mols_info[ind1_mol_r]["bondlengths"][ind1r_mol,ind2r_mol] sitetype = None deq,k = estimate_deq_k(labels,dwell,forward_template,reverse_template,template_name,template_reversed,broken_bonds,formed_bonds,sitetype=sitetype) d = {"ind1":ase_ind1,"ind2":ase_ind2,"k":k,"deq":deq} atom_bond_potentials.append(d) elif ase_ind1 is None: #surface bond to ase_ind2 site_dict = rev_mols_info[ind1_mol_r]["site_dict"] reusing_site = False #check if site reused if len(forward_template.atoms[ind1f].bonds) > 0: reusing_site = True atm = forward_template.atoms[ind1f] bd = list(forward_template.atoms[ind1f].bonds.values())[0] if bd.atom1 == atm: bonded_atom = bd.atom2 else: bonded_atom = bd.atom1 template_bonded_index = forward_template.atoms.index(bonded_atom) ase_bonded_index = get_ase_index(template_bonded_index,template_mol_map,molecule_to_gratom_maps,nslab,ads_sizes) reused_site_type = occ_site_types[ase_bonded_index] reused_site_pos = occ_site_pos[ase_bonded_index] if reusing_site and (reused_site_type not in [x[1] for x in site_dict.keys()]): #the site one of the reactants is attached to is not stable in the products print("{reused_site} not in list of sites {site_list}".format(reused_site=reused_site_type,site_list=[x[1] for x in site_dict.keys()])) tsstruct_valid = False break site_bond_dict[ase_ind2] = dict() for (mol_ind,sitetype) in site_dict.keys(): if mol_ind == ind1r_mol: dwell = site_dict[(mol_ind,sitetype)] deq,k = estimate_deq_k(labels,dwell,forward_template,reverse_template,template_name,template_reversed,broken_bonds,formed_bonds,sitetype=sitetype) if reusing_site: #attaching to a site that was bonded to another atom if reused_site_type == sitetype: pos = deepcopy(reused_site_pos) pos[2] += dwell d = {"ind":ase_ind2,"site_pos":pos.tolist(),"k":k,"deq":deq} site_bond_potentials.append(d) if ase_ind2 in site_bond_dict.keys(): del site_bond_dict[ase_ind2] else: #attaching to a new empty site site_bond_dict[ase_ind2][sitetype] = {"deq":deq,"k":k,"dwell":dwell} else: site_dict = rev_mols_info[ind2_mol_r]["site_dict"] reusing_site = False #check if site reused if len(forward_template.atoms[ind2f].bonds) > 0: reusing_site = True atm = forward_template.atoms[ind2f] bd = list(forward_template.atoms[ind2f].bonds.values())[0] if bd.atom1 == atm: bonded_atom = bd.atom2 else: bonded_atom = bd.atom1 template_bonded_index = forward_template.atoms.index(bonded_atom) ase_bonded_index = get_ase_index(template_bonded_index,template_mol_map,molecule_to_gratom_maps,nslab,ads_sizes) reused_site_type = occ_site_types[ase_bonded_index] reused_site_pos = occ_site_pos[ase_bonded_index] if reusing_site and (reused_site_type not in [x[1] for x in site_dict.keys()]): #the site one of the reactants is attached to is not stable in the products print("{reused_site} not in list of sites {site_list}".format(reused_site=reused_site_type,site_list=[x[1] for x in site_dict.keys()])) tsstruct_valid = False break site_bond_dict[ase_ind1] = dict() for (mol_ind,sitetype) in site_dict.keys(): if mol_ind == ind2r_mol: dwell = site_dict[(mol_ind,sitetype)] deq,k = estimate_deq_k(labels,dwell,forward_template,reverse_template,template_name,template_reversed,broken_bonds,formed_bonds,sitetype=sitetype) if reusing_site: #attaching to a site that was bonded to another atom if reused_site_type == sitetype: pos = deepcopy(reused_site_pos) pos[2] += dwell d = {"ind":ase_ind1,"site_pos":pos.tolist(),"k":k,"deq":deq} site_bond_potentials.append(d) if ase_ind1 in site_bond_dict.keys(): del site_bond_dict[ase_ind1] else: site_bond_dict[ase_ind1][sitetype] = {"deq":deq,"k":k,"dwell":dwell} if tsstruct_valid: if fixed_bond_pairs: constraint_list = [{"type": "fix_bond", "indices": pair} for pair in fixed_bond_pairs]+["freeze slab"] constraint_lists.append(constraint_list) else: constraint_lists.append(["freeze slab"]) atom_bond_potential_lists.append(atom_bond_potentials) site_bond_potential_lists.append(site_bond_potentials) site_bond_dict_list.append(site_bond_dict) out_structs.append(tsstruct) return out_structs,constraint_lists,atom_bond_potential_lists,site_bond_potential_lists,site_bond_dict_list
[docs]def estimate_deq_k(labels,dwell,forward_template,reverse_template,template_name,template_reversed, broken_bonds,formed_bonds,sitetype=None): """ Estimate the equilibrium bond length and force constant for broken/forming bonds 0--(1--2)--3 """ interactions = broken_bonds | formed_bonds formed = labels in formed_bonds label_list = list(labels) if len(label_list) == 1: #get the atoms participating in the interaction atms = forward_template.get_labeled_atoms(label_list[0]) atm1 = atms[0] atm2 = atms[1] atmsr = reverse_template.get_labeled_atoms(label_list[0]) atm1r = atms[0] atm2r = atms[1] else: atm1 = forward_template.get_labeled_atoms(label_list[0])[0] atm2 = forward_template.get_labeled_atoms(label_list[1])[0] atm1r = reverse_template.get_labeled_atoms(label_list[0])[0] atm2r = reverse_template.get_labeled_atoms(label_list[1])[0] if formed: #if the bond is forming the reverse will always have dist 2...if breaking forward will always have dist ignore that side path = find_shortest_path(atm1r,atm2r) #Number of atoms in path None if no path if path is None: dist = None else: dist = len(path) else: path = find_shortest_path(atm1r,atm2r) if path is None: dist = None else: dist = len(path) hydrogen_interaction = atm1.is_hydrogen() or atm2.is_hydrogen() #get the interactions adjacent to the interaction atms0 = [] atms3 = [] for label_set in interactions: if atm1.label in label_set and atm2.label not in label_set: label = [label for label in label_set if label != atm1.label][0] atms0.extend(forward_template.get_labeled_atoms(label)) elif atm2.label in label_set and atm1.label not in label_set: label = [label for label in label_set if label != atm2.label][0] atms3.extend(forward_template.get_labeled_atoms(label)) if len(atms0) == 0: atm0 = None elif len(atms0) == 1: atm0 = atms0[0] else: sites = [a for a in atms0 if a.is_surface_site()] #choose surface sites over other atoms if len(sites) > 0: atm0 = sites[0] else: atm0 = atms0[0] if len(atms3) == 0: atm3 = None elif len(atms3) == 1: atm3 = atms3[0] else: sites = [a for a in atms3 if a.is_surface_site()] #choose surface sites over other atoms if len(sites) > 0: atm3 = sites[0] else: atm3 = atms3[0] def atm_to_symbol(atm): if atm is None: return "" elif atm.is_surface_site(): return "X" else: return "R" s = atm_to_symbol(atm0)+"--("+atm_to_symbol(atm1)+"--"+atm_to_symbol(atm2)+")--"+atm_to_symbol(atm3) if s in ["--(X--R)--", "--(R--X)--"]: if hydrogen_interaction: return dwell*0.2,100.0 else: return dwell*0.2,100.0 elif s in ["--(X--R)--R","R--(R--X)--"]: if hydrogen_interaction: return dwell*0.2,100.0 else: return dwell*0.2,100.0 elif s in ["--(X--R)--X","X--(R--X)--"]: if hydrogen_interaction: return dwell*0.2,100.0 else: return dwell*0.2,100.0 elif s in ["X--(R--R)--X"]: if dist is not None: #if it is an intermolecular interaction return dwell*1.25,100.0 else: if hydrogen_interaction: return dwell*1.6,100.0 else: return dwell*1.4,100.0 elif s in ["X--(R--R)--", "--(R--R)--X"]: if dist is not None: return dwell*1.25,100.0 else: if hydrogen_interaction: return dwell*1.6,100.0 else: return dwell*1.4,100.0 elif s in ["--(R--R)--"]: if dist is not None: return dwell*1.25,100.0 else: if hydrogen_interaction: return dwell*1.6,100.0 else: return dwell*1.4,100.0 elif s in ["R--(R--R)--","--(R--R)--R"]: if dist is not None: return dwell*1.25,100.0 else: if hydrogen_interaction: return dwell*1.6,100.0 else: return dwell*1.4,100.0 elif s in ["R--(R--R)--X","X--(R--R)--R"]: if dist is not None: return dwell*1.25,100.0 else: if hydrogen_interaction: return dwell*1.6,100.0 else: return dwell*1.4,100.0 elif s in ["R--(R--R)--R"]: if dist is not None: return dwell*1.25,100.0 else: if hydrogen_interaction: return dwell*1.6,100.0 else: return dwell*1.4,100.0 else: raise ValueError("Could not interpret interaction string: {}".format(s))
[docs]def estimate_deq_k_fixed_surf_bond(labels,dwell,forward_template,reverse_template,template_name,template_reversed, broken_bonds,formed_bonds,sitetype=None): """ Estimate the equilibrium bond length and force constant for surface bonds """ return 0.0,100.0
[docs]def get_surface_forming_bond_pairings(tsstructs,atom_bond_potential_lists, site_bond_potential_lists,constraints_list,site_bond_dict_list, cas): """ Identify unique site targets for the harmonically forced optimization """ if len(site_bond_dict_list[0]) == 0: #no site bonds formed return tsstructs,atom_bond_potential_lists,site_bond_potential_lists,constraints_list adslablen = len(tsstructs[0]) #label sites with unique noble gas atoms he = Atoms('He',positions=[[0, 0, 0],]) ne = Atoms('Ne',positions=[[0, 0, 0],]) ar = Atoms('Ar',positions=[[0, 0, 0],]) kr = Atoms('Kr',positions=[[0, 0, 0],]) xe = Atoms('Xe',positions=[[0, 0, 0],]) rn = Atoms('Rn',positions=[[0, 0, 0],]) site_tags = [he,ne,ar,kr,xe,rn] atm_inds = list(site_bond_dict_list[0].keys()) site_tags = {atm_ind : site_tags[i] for i,atm_ind in enumerate(atm_inds)} new_atom_bond_potential_lists = [] new_site_bond_potential_lists = [] new_constraints_list = [] out_tsstructs = [] for i,tsstruct in enumerate(tsstructs): atom_bond_potential_list = atom_bond_potential_lists[i] constraints = constraints_list[i] adcov = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(tsstruct,adsorption_sites=cas) unocc = [site for site in adcov.get_sites() if site["occupied"] == False] site_bond_dict = site_bond_dict_list[i] site_bond_potential_dict = sites_to_site_bond_potentials(unocc,site_bond_dict,atm_inds) geoms = [] site_parameters = [] pd = [unocc for i in range(len(atm_inds))] for sites in itertools.product(*pd): if len(set([repr(x) for x in sites])) != len(sites) or any([sites[j]["site"] not in site_bond_dict[atm_ind].keys() for j,atm_ind in enumerate(atm_inds)]): continue else: param_list = [] geo = tsstruct.copy() for j,atm_ind in enumerate(atm_inds): tag = site_tags[atm_ind] bond_dict = site_bond_dict[atm_ind] site = sites[j] add_adsorbate_to_site(geo,adsorbate=tag,surf_ind=0,site=site,height=1.5) params = bond_dict[site["site"]].copy() params["site_pos"] = site["position"].tolist() params["site_pos"][2] += params["dwell"] del params["dwell"] params["ind"] = atm_ind param_list.append(params) site_parameters.append(param_list) geoms.append(geo) unique_geoms = get_unique_sym_structs(geoms) unique_site_parameters = [] for geom in unique_geoms: ind = geoms.index(geom) out_tsstructs.append(geom[:adslablen]) new_atom_bond_potential_lists.append(atom_bond_potential_list) new_constraints_list.append(constraints) params = site_parameters[ind] site_bond_potential = site_bond_potential_lists[i].copy() site_bond_potential.extend(params) new_site_bond_potential_lists.append(site_bond_potential) return out_tsstructs,new_atom_bond_potential_lists,new_site_bond_potential_lists,new_constraints_list
[docs]def sites_to_site_bond_potentials(sites,site_bond_dicts,atm_inds): """ Generate a list of possible site bond formation harmonic parameters for each atom that forms bonds with a site """ site_bond_potentials = dict() for atm_ind in atm_inds: params_list = [] for site in sites: bond_dict = site_bond_dicts[atm_ind] if site["site"] in bond_dict.keys(): params = bond_dict[site["site"]].copy() params["site_pos"] = site["position"].tolist() params["ind"] = atm_ind params_list.append(params) site_bond_potentials[atm_ind] = params_list return site_bond_potentials