Source code for pynta.mol

from molecule.molecule import Molecule
from import read, write
from import covalent_radii
from ase import Atoms
from acat.adsorption_sites import SlabAdsorptionSites
from acat.adsorbate_coverage import SlabAdsorbateCoverage
from acat.settings import site_heights
from acat.utilities import get_mic
from acat.utilities import (custom_warning,
from pynta.utils import get_unique_sym_struct_index_clusters, get_unique_sym, get_unique_sym_structs, get_unique_sym_struct_indices
from pynta.calculator import run_harmonically_forced_xtb
from rdkit import Chem
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np

[docs]def get_desorbed_with_map(mol): molcopy = mol.copy(deep=True) init_map = {i:a for i,a in enumerate(molcopy.atoms)} for bd in molcopy.get_all_edges(): if bd.atom1.is_surface_site(): bd.atom2.radical_electrons += round(bd.order) molcopy.remove_bond(bd) molcopy.remove_atom(bd.atom1) elif bd.atom2.is_surface_site(): bd.atom1.radical_electrons += round(bd.order) molcopy.remove_bond(bd) molcopy.remove_atom(bd.atom2) molcopy.sort_atoms() out_map = {i:molcopy.atoms.index(a) for i,a in init_map.items() if a in molcopy.atoms} return molcopy,out_map
[docs]def get_conformer(desorbed): rdmol,rdmap = desorbed.to_rdkit_mol(remove_h=False,return_mapping=True) indmap = {i:rdmap[a] for i,a in enumerate(desorbed.atoms)} Chem.AllChem.EmbedMultipleConfs(rdmol,numConfs=1,randomSeed=1) conf = rdmol.GetConformer() pos = conf.GetPositions() syms = [a.GetSymbol() for a in rdmol.GetAtoms()] atoms = Atoms(symbols=syms,positions=pos) return atoms,indmap
[docs]def get_adsorbate(mol): desorbed,mol_to_desorbed_map = get_desorbed_with_map(mol) atoms,desorbed_to_atoms_map = get_conformer(desorbed) mol_to_atoms_map = {key:desorbed_to_atoms_map[val] for key,val in mol_to_desorbed_map.items()} return atoms,mol_to_atoms_map
[docs]def generate_adsorbate_guesses(mol,ads,slab,repeats,cas,mol_to_atoms_map,metal, single_site_bond_params_lists,single_sites_lists,double_site_bond_params_lists,double_sites_lists, Eharmtol,Eharmfiltertol,Ntsmin): full_slab = slab * repeats mol_surf_inds = [mol.atoms.index(a) for a in mol.get_adatoms()] atom_surf_inds = [mol_to_atoms_map[i] for i in mol_surf_inds] if len(atom_surf_inds) == 1: site_bond_params_lists = deepcopy(single_site_bond_params_lists) sites_lists = single_sites_lists for site_bond_params_list in site_bond_params_lists: site_bond_params_list[0]["ind"] = atom_surf_inds[0]+len(full_slab) #add up pulling potential for ind in range(len(ads)): if ind in atom_surf_inds: continue pos = deepcopy(site_bond_params_list[0]["site_pos"]) pos[2] += 8.5 site_bond_params_list.append({"site_pos": pos,"ind": ind+len(full_slab), "k": 0.1, "deq": 0.0}) elif len(atom_surf_inds) == 2: site_bond_params_lists = deepcopy(double_site_bond_params_lists) sites_lists = double_sites_lists for site_bond_params_list in site_bond_params_lists: site_bond_params_list[0]["ind"] = atom_surf_inds[0]+len(full_slab) site_bond_params_list[1]["ind"] = atom_surf_inds[1]+len(full_slab) else: raise ValueError("Only monodentate and bidentate guesses currently allowed. The infrastructure can support tridenate and higher, but the filtering process may be very expensive above bidentate.") mol_fixed_bond_pairs = [[mol.atoms.index(bd.atom1),mol.atoms.index(bd.atom2)] for bd in mol.get_all_edges() if (not bd.atom1.is_surface_site()) and (not bd.atom2.is_surface_site())] atom_fixed_bond_pairs = [[mol_to_atoms_map[pair[0]]+len(full_slab),mol_to_atoms_map[pair[1]]+len(full_slab)]for pair in mol_fixed_bond_pairs] constraint_list = [{"type": "fix_bond", "indices": pair} for pair in atom_fixed_bond_pairs]+["freeze slab"] geos = [] for i,sites_list in enumerate(sites_lists): geo,h1,h2 = place_adsorbate(ads,full_slab,atom_surf_inds,sites_list,metal) if h1: site_bond_params_lists[i][0]["site_pos"][2] += h1 if h2: site_bond_params_lists[i][1]["site_pos"][2] += h2 geos.append(geo) print("initial geometries") print(len(geos)) geos_out = [] Eharms = [] site_bond_params_lists_out = [] for i,geo in enumerate(geos): #freeze bonds for messier first opt geo_out,Eharm,Fharm = run_harmonically_forced_xtb(geo,[],site_bond_params_lists[i],len(full_slab), method="GFN1-xTB",constraints=constraint_list) if geo_out: geo_out.calc = None geos_out.append(geo_out) Eharms.append(Eharm) site_bond_params_lists_out.append(site_bond_params_lists[i]) print("optimized geometries") print(len(geos_out)) inds = get_unique_sym_struct_indices(geos_out) print("after symmetry") print(len(inds)) geos_out = [geos_out[ind] for ind in inds] Eharms = [Eharms[ind] for ind in inds] if len(atom_surf_inds) == 1: #should be small, don't bother filtering xyzsout = geos_out site_bond_params_lists_final = [site_bond_params_lists_out[ind] for ind in inds] return xyzsout else: Einds = np.argsort(np.array(Eharms)) Emin = np.min(np.array(Eharms)) xyzsout = [] site_bond_params_lists_final = [] for Eind in Einds: if Eharms[Eind]/Emin < Eharmtol: #include all TSs with energy close to Emin xyzsout.append(geos_out[Eind]) site_bond_params_lists_final.append(site_bond_params_lists_out[Eind]) elif Eharms[Eind]/Emin > Eharmfiltertol: #if the energy is much larger than Emin skip it continue elif len(xyzsout) < Ntsmin: #if the energy isn't similar, but isn't much larger include the smallest until Ntsmin is reached xyzsout.append(geos_out[Eind]) site_bond_params_lists_final.append(site_bond_params_lists_out[Eind]) xyzfinals = [] for i,xyz in enumerate(xyzsout): #unfreeze bonds (should be better than rdkit's guess) geo_out,Eharm,Fharm = run_harmonically_forced_xtb(xyz,[],site_bond_params_lists_final[i],len(full_slab), method="GFN1-xTB",constraints=["freeze slab"]) xyzfinals.append(geo_out) return xyzfinals
site_bond_length_dict = { ("ontop",None,None): 1.826370311, ("bridge",None,None): 1.806089179, ("fcc",None,None): 1.372599861, ("hcp",None,None): 1.397379832, ("ontop","C",None): 2.056904761, ("bridge","C",None): 1.920118777, ("fcc","C",None): 1.795024649, ("hcp","C",None): 1.764312871, ("ontop","O",None): 1.872603673, ("bridge","O",None): 1.69205958, ("fcc","O",None): 1.408365497, ("hcp","O",None): 1.510464567, ("ontop","H",None): 1.5496025, ("fcc","H",None): 1.0321708, ("hcp","H",None): 1.0321708, ("fcc","N",None): 1.2548385, ("hcp","N",None): 1.28257109, ("ontop","C","Cu"): 2.056904761, ("bridge","C","Cu"): 1.920118777, ("fcc","C","Cu"): 1.795024649, ("hcp","C","Cu"): 1.764312871, ("ontop","O","Cu"): 1.872603673, ("bridge","O","Cu"): 1.69205958, ("fcc","O","Cu"): 1.408365497, ("hcp","O","Cu"): 1.510464567, ("ontop","H","Cu"): 1.5496025, ("fcc","H","Cu"): 1.0321708, ("hcp","H","Cu"): 1.0321708, ("fcc","N","Cu"): 1.2548385, ("hcp","N","Cu"): 1.28257109, }
[docs]def get_site_bond_length(sitetype,atomtype=None,metal=None): if (sitetype,atomtype,metal) in site_bond_length_dict.keys(): return site_bond_length_dict[(sitetype,atomtype,metal)] elif (sitetype,atomtype,None) in site_bond_length_dict.keys(): return site_bond_length_dict[(sitetype,atomtype,None)] else: return site_bond_length_dict[(sitetype,None,None)]
[docs]def add_adsorbate_to_site(atoms, adsorbate, surf_ind, site, height=None, orientation=None, tilt_angle=0.): """The base function for adding one adsorbate to a site. Site must include information of 'normal' and 'position'. Useful for adding adsorbate to multiple sites or adding multidentate adsorbates. Parameters ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms object Accept any ase.Atoms object. No need to be built-in. adsorbate : str or ase.Atom object or ase.Atoms object The adsorbate species to be added onto the surface. site : dict The site that the adsorbate should be added to. Must contain information of the position and the normal vector of the site. height : float, default None The height of the added adsorbate from the surface. Use the default settings if not specified. orientation : list or numpy.array, default None The vector that the multidentate adsorbate is aligned to. tilt_angle: float, default None Tilt the adsorbate with an angle (in degrees) relative to the surface normal. """ if height is None: height = site_heights[site['site']] # Make the correct position normal = site['normal'] if np.isnan(np.sum(normal)): normal = np.array([0., 0., 1.]) pos = site['position'] + normal * height # Convert the adsorbate to an Atoms object if isinstance(adsorbate, Atoms): ads = adsorbate elif isinstance(adsorbate, Atom): ads = Atoms([adsorbate]) # Or assume it is a string representing a molecule else: ads = adsorbate_molecule(adsorbate) if not ads: warnings.warn('Nothing is added.') return bondpos = ads[surf_ind].position ads.translate(-bondpos) z = -1. if adsorbate in ['CH','NH','OH','SH'] else 1. ads.rotate(np.asarray([0., 0., z]) - bondpos, normal) if tilt_angle > 0.: pvec = np.cross(np.random.rand(3) - ads[0].position, normal) ads.rotate(tilt_angle, pvec, center=ads[0].position) # if adsorbate not in adsorbate_list: # # Always sort the indices the same order as the input symbol. # # This is a naive sorting which might cause H in wrong order. # # Please sort your own adsorbate atoms by reindexing as has # # been done in the adsorbate_molecule function in acat.settings. # symout = list(Formula(adsorbate)) # symin = list(ads.symbols) # newids = [] # for elt in symout: # idx = symin.index(elt) # newids.append(idx) # symin[idx] = None # ads = ads[newids] if orientation is not None: orientation = np.asarray(orientation) oripos = next((a.position for a in ads[1:] if a.symbol != 'H'), ads[1].position) v1 = get_rejection_between(oripos - bondpos, normal) v2 = get_rejection_between(orientation, normal) theta = get_angle_between(v1, v2) # Flip the sign of the angle if the result is not the closest rm_p = get_rodrigues_rotation_matrix(axis=normal, angle=theta) rm_n = get_rodrigues_rotation_matrix(axis=normal, angle=-theta) npos_p, npos_n = rm_p @ oripos, rm_n @ oripos nbpos_p = npos_p + pos - bondpos nbpos_n = npos_n + pos - bondpos d_p = np.linalg.norm(nbpos_p - pos - orientation) d_n = np.linalg.norm(nbpos_n - pos - orientation) if d_p <= d_n: for a in ads: a.position = rm_p @ a.position else: for a in ads: a.position = rm_n @ a.position ads.translate(pos - bondpos) atoms += ads if ads.get_chemical_formula() == 'H2': shift = (atoms.positions[-2] - atoms.positions[-1]) / 2 atoms.positions[-2:,:] += shift
[docs]def place_adsorbate(ads,slab,atom_surf_inds,sites,metal): if len(atom_surf_inds) == 1: geo = slab.copy() h = get_site_bond_length(sites[0]["site"],ads.get_chemical_symbols()[atom_surf_inds[0]],metal) add_adsorbate_to_site(geo, ads, atom_surf_inds[0], sites[0], height=h) return geo,h,None elif len(atom_surf_inds) == 2: geo = slab.copy() h1 = get_site_bond_length(sites[0]["site"],ads.get_chemical_symbols()[atom_surf_inds[0]],metal) h2 = get_site_bond_length(sites[1]["site"],ads.get_chemical_symbols()[atom_surf_inds[1]],metal) ori = get_mic(sites[0]['position'], sites[1]['position'], geo.cell) add_adsorbate_to_site(geo, deepcopy(ads), atom_surf_inds[0], sites[0], height=h1, orientation=ori) if np.isnan(geo.positions).any(): #if nans just ignore orientation and let it optimize geo = slab.copy() add_adsorbate_to_site(geo, deepcopy(ads), atom_surf_inds[0], sites[0], height=h1, orientation=None) return geo,h1,h2 else: raise ValueError
[docs]def generate_unique_site_additions(geo,cas,nslab,site_bond_params_list=[],sites_list=[]): nads = len(geo) - nslab #label sites with unique noble gas atoms he = Atoms('He',positions=[[0, 0, 0],]) ne = Atoms('Ne',positions=[[0, 0, 0],]) ar = Atoms('Ar',positions=[[0, 0, 0],]) kr = Atoms('Kr',positions=[[0, 0, 0],]) xe = Atoms('Xe',positions=[[0, 0, 0],]) rn = Atoms('Rn',positions=[[0, 0, 0],]) site_tags = [he,ne,ar,kr,xe,rn] tag = site_tags[nads] adcov = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(geo,adsorption_sites=cas) sites = adcov.get_sites() unocc = [site for site in sites if site["occupied"] == False] site_bond_params_lists = [deepcopy(site_bond_params_list) for i in range(len(unocc))] sites_lists = [deepcopy(sites_list) for i in range(len(unocc))] geoms = [] for i,site in enumerate(unocc): geom = geo.copy() add_adsorbate_to_site(geom,adsorbate=tag,surf_ind=0,site=site,height=1.5) pos = site["position"].tolist() params = {"site_pos": pos,"ind": None, "k": 100.0, "deq": 0.0} #just the site position, will shift up later site_bond_params_lists[i].append(params) sites_lists[i].append(site) geoms.append(geom) indclusters = get_unique_sym_struct_index_clusters(geoms) inds = [] for cluster in indclusters: #choose symmetric geometries closer to center of cell min_dist = np.inf indout = None for ind in cluster: d = get_adsorbate_dist_from_center(geoms[ind],nslab) if d < min_dist: indout = ind min_dist = d inds.append(indout) return [geoms[ind] for ind in inds], [site_bond_params_lists[ind] for ind in inds], [sites_lists[ind] for ind in inds]
[docs]def get_adsorbate_dist_from_center(atoms,nslab): cell_center = sum(atoms.cell)/3.5 adatoms = atoms[nslab:] adcenter = sum([a.position for a in adatoms])/len(adatoms) return np.linalg.norm(adcenter - cell_center)
[docs]def get_edges(slab_path, find_surface=False): ''' Get adsorption edges Parameters ___________ find_surface : bool specify whether to include surface or not default = False Returns ________ edges : list[tuple] adsobrtion edges surface : numpy.ndarray an array with tags describing: top surface atoms (1) bottom surface (-1) and bulk atoms (0) Atoms with tags '1' are considered as the possible binding spots ''' # read slab as an Atom object slab_atom = read(slab_path) # If the Atoms object is periodic, we need to check connectivity # across the unit cell boundary as well. tvecs = np.array([[0., 0., 0.]]) if np.any(slab_atom.pbc): cell = slab_atom.cell # We are looking for atoms that are at most 2.5 times the # greatest covalent radius of all atoms in the system, so we # limit the number of periodic images we consider in each # direction to those that are within this cutoff radius of any # point on the face of the unit cell cutoff = max(covalent_radii[slab_atom.numbers]) * 2.5 # If you want to understand the code below, read the `find_mic` # code in ASE, located at ase/geometry/ latt_len = np.sqrt((cell**2).sum(1)) V = slab_atom.get_volume() padding = slab_atom.pbc * np.array(np.ceil( cutoff * / (V * latt_len)), dtype=int ) offsets = np.mgrid[-padding[0]:padding[0] + 1, -padding[1]:padding[1] + 1, -padding[2]:padding[2] + 1].T tvecs =, cell).reshape(-1, 3) edges = [] # pairvecs = np.ndarray(0) pairvecs = np.zeros_like(slab_atom.positions) # if find_surface: # pairvecs = np.zeros_like(slab_atom.positions) # else: # pairvecs = np.ndarray(0) for atomi in slab_atom: for atomj in slab_atom: i = atomi.index j = atomj.index # Like above, consider only bonds where j >= i. Note, we do # need to consider bonds where j == i because of periodic # boundary conditions. if j < i: continue # 1.25 times the sum of the covalent radii was chosen based # on trial and error. Too small, and you miss neighbors. # Too big, and you start including next-nearest-neighbors. cutoff = 1.25 * ( covalent_radii[atomi.number] + covalent_radii[atomj.number] ) # xij is the direct displacement vector in the central unit # cell. xij = atomj.position - atomi.position nbonds = 0 # Loop over all neighboring unit cells for tvec in tvecs: # ...including the central unit cell. If i == j, then # explicitly skip the central unit cell. if i == j and np.all(tvec == [0., 0., 0.]): continue # Count up the number of times i bonds to j via pbc if np.linalg.norm(xij + tvec) < cutoff: if find_surface: dx = xij + tvec dx /= np.linalg.norm(dx) pairvecs[i] -= dx pairvecs[j] += dx nbonds += 1 # CatKit uses NetworkX "MultiGraph"s for periodic systems. # I'm not entirely sure how to interpret the edges for a # multigraph, but this is how CatKit wants multiple edges # between the same two atoms to be specified. for k in range(nbonds): edges.append((i, j, k)) if not find_surface: return edges surface = np.zeros(len(slab_atom), dtype=int) for i, pairvec in enumerate(pairvecs): # Big pairvec means highly asymmetrical atoms, which # implies that it is near or at a surface if np.linalg.norm(pairvec) > 1.: # Use sign to determine whether it is at the top or # the bottom of the slab surface[i] = int(np.sign(pairvec[2])) return edges, surface
[docs]def get_labeled_bonds(mol): """ generate a list of all Bonds between labeled atoms in the Molecule object """ labeled_atoms = mol.get_all_labeled_atoms() bonds = dict() for label,atm in labeled_atoms.items(): bonds[label] = [] bds = mol.get_bonds(atm) for bd in bds.values(): if bd.atom1 is atm: if bd.atom2.label: bonds[label].append(bd.atom2.label) else: if bd.atom1.label: bonds[label].append(bd.atom1.label) return bonds
[docs]def get_broken_formed_bonds(reactant,product): """ compares the reactant and product structures assuming bonds only form and break between labeled atoms returns frozensets of pairs of labels associated with atoms whose bond breaks or is formed during the reaction """ reactant_labeled_bonds = get_labeled_bonds(reactant) product_labeled_bonds = get_labeled_bonds(product) broken_bonds = set() formed_bonds = set() for label,rlabels in reactant_labeled_bonds.items(): if label in product_labeled_bonds.keys(): plabels = product_labeled_bonds[label] missing_from_p = [label for label in rlabels if label not in plabels] missing_from_r = [label for label in plabels if label not in rlabels] for label2 in missing_from_p: broken_bonds.add(frozenset((label,label2))) for label2 in missing_from_r: formed_bonds.add(frozenset((label,label2))) return broken_bonds,formed_bonds
[docs]def get_template_mol_map(template,mols): """ template is the combined labeled Molecule object find dictionary mapping indices of the template to the molecule objects of interest output is a list with each item coresponding to a Molecule object in mols the dictionary maps indices of the template to indices of the corresponding mol object """ tempmol_mol_map = [] tempmols = [x for x in template.split() if not x.is_surface_site()] for tempmol in tempmols: if tempmol.multiplicity == -187: #handle surface molecules tempmol.multiplicity = tempmol.get_radical_count() + 1 ordered_tempmols = [] for i,mol in enumerate(mols): for j,tempmol in enumerate(tempmols): if tempmol.is_isomorphic(mol,save_order=True): mapv = tempmol.find_isomorphism(mol,save_order=True) indmap = {tempmol.atoms.index(key): mol.atoms.index(val) for key,val in mapv[0].items()} tempmol_mol_map.append(indmap) ordered_tempmols.append(tempmol) tempmols.pop(j) break else: print(mol.to_adjacency_list()) for tempmol in tempmols: print(tempmol.to_adjacency_list()) raise ValueError("mapping could not be found") temp_tempmol_map = [] for i,tempmol in enumerate(ordered_tempmols): grptempmol = tempmol.to_group() grptempmol.multiplicity = [template.multiplicity] mapv = template.find_subgraph_isomorphisms(grptempmol,save_order=True) maps = get_nonintersectingkeys_maps(mapv) c = 0 m = maps[c] indmap = {template.atoms.index(key): grptempmol.atoms.index(val) for key,val in m.items()} while set(list(indmap.keys())) in [set(list(v.keys())) for v in temp_tempmol_map]: c += 1 m = maps[c] indmap = {template.atoms.index(key): grptempmol.atoms.index(val) for key,val in m.items()} temp_tempmol_map.append(indmap) temp_mol_map = [] for i in range(len(tempmol_mol_map)): d = {tind: tempmol_mol_map[i][tmolind] for tind,tmolind in temp_tempmol_map[i].items()} temp_mol_map.append(d) return temp_mol_map
[docs]def get_nonintersectingkeys_maps(maps): """ process the subgraph isomorphisms found to generate a list of valid maps """ mvals_init = [frozenset(list(m.keys())) for m in maps] mvals_unique = list(set(mvals_init)) valid_map_inds = [] for mval in mvals_unique: for inds in valid_map_inds: if mval.intersection(inds) != frozenset(): break else: valid_map_inds.append(mval) inds = [mvals_init.index(mval) for mval in valid_map_inds] return [maps[ind] for ind in inds]
[docs]def ads_size(mol): """ get number of atoms in the adsorbate part of the Molecule """ return len(mol.atoms) - len(mol.get_surface_sites())
[docs]def get_mol_index(ind,template_mol_map): """ ind is the index in the template first index corresponds to the molecule object second index corresponds to the index in the molecule object """ for i,d in enumerate(template_mol_map): if ind in d.keys(): return (i,d[ind]) else: return None #surface_site
[docs]def get_ase_index(ind,template_mol_map,molecule_to_gratom_maps,nslab,ads_sizes): """ get the index associated with the ase.Atoms object """ n = nslab for i,d in enumerate(template_mol_map): if ind in d.keys() and d[ind] in molecule_to_gratom_maps[i].keys(): return molecule_to_gratom_maps[i][d[ind]]+n n += ads_sizes[i] else: return None #surface site
[docs]def get_bond_lengths_sites(mol,ads,atom_map,surf_atom_map,nslab,facet="fcc111",metal="Cu",cas=None): """ gets bond lengths and site information indexed to the Molecule object atoms bond lengths is a matrix with the distances between all atoms that share bonds site information is the atom index mapped to the site type """ rev_atom_map = {value: key for key,value in atom_map.items()} #map from mol to ads rev_surf_atom_map = { value: key for key,value in surf_atom_map.items()} if cas is None: cas = SlabAdsorptionSites(ads,facet,allow_6fold=False,composition_effect=False, label_sites=True, surrogate_metal=metal) adcov = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(ads,adsorption_sites=cas) occ = adcov.get_sites(occupied_only=True) surface_dict = [{"atom_index":x["bonding_index"]-nslab, "site":x["site"], "bond_length":x["bond_length"], "position":x["position"]} for x in occ] if len(occ) < len(surf_atom_map): #number of sites on geometry disagrees with surf_atom_map print("occupational analysis in get_bond_lengths_sites failed") print(mol.to_adjacency_list()) print("expected {} sites".format(len(surf_atom_map))) print("found {} sites".format(len(occ))) return None,None,None if mol.contains_surface_site(): ad = ads[nslab:] else: ad = ads bondlengths = np.zeros((len(mol.atoms),len(mol.atoms))) sites = dict() sitelengths = dict() for bond in mol.get_all_edges(): if bond.atom1.is_surface_site(): ind1 = mol.atoms.index(bond.atom1) ind2 = mol.atoms.index(bond.atom2) aind = rev_surf_atom_map[ind2] surfd = [s for s in surface_dict if s["atom_index"] == aind][0] bondlengths[ind1,ind2] = surfd["bond_length"] bondlengths[ind2,ind1] = surfd["bond_length"] sites[ind1] = surfd["site"] sitelengths[ind1] = surfd["bond_length"] elif bond.atom2.is_surface_site(): ind1 = mol.atoms.index(bond.atom1) ind2 = mol.atoms.index(bond.atom2) aind = rev_surf_atom_map[ind1] surfd = [s for s in surface_dict if s["atom_index"] == aind][0] bondlengths[ind1,ind2] = surfd["bond_length"] bondlengths[ind2,ind1] = surfd["bond_length"] sites[ind2] = surfd["site"] sitelengths[ind2] = surfd["bond_length"] else: #not a surface bond ind1 = mol.atoms.index(bond.atom1) ind2 = mol.atoms.index(bond.atom2) aind1 = rev_atom_map[ind1] aind2 = rev_atom_map[ind2] d = ad.get_distance(aind1,aind2) bondlengths[ind1,ind2] = d bondlengths[ind2,ind1] = d return bondlengths,sites,sitelengths
[docs]def get_name(mol): try: return mol.to_smiles() except: return mol.to_adjacency_list().replace("\n"," ")[:-1]